freak me out 嚇死我了! 受驚嚇的8種英文說法學起來!

freak me out  嚇死我了! 受驚嚇的8種英文說法學起來!

剉塞!嚇破膽!是常用來表達受到驚嚇的說法, 那外國人跟我們一樣驚驚的時候英文怎麼表達呢?我們來看看受驚害怕時, 各種可以更生動傳神表達你的感受的英文用法吧!


1. freak me out / creep me out 嚇慘/嚇死我

The ghost movie really crept me out! I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

You freaked me out! Don't come out of nowhere like that ever!

2. scare the hell out of me 嚇破我的膽/嚇得不要不要的

I hate the ghost storytelling night. Those stories always scare the hell out of me.

3. scare me to death 把我嚇得要死

I was driving on the way home the other night. There was an elk that jumped onto the middle of the road. Luckily I dodged aside but was scared to death.

4. give me goose bumps 嚇得我雞皮疙瘩掉滿地

Last night, I was watching the movie "The Conjuring" alone at home. There was a sudden wind that came out of nowhere, and it gave me goose bumps.

5. send shivers down my spine 嚇得我背脊一陣戰慄

I witnessed a car accident this morning. The woman who got hit screamed so terrifyingly that she sent shivers down my spine.

6. make my blood run cold 嚇得我血都冷了/全身發涼

The huge mouse rushed out of nowhere and made my blood run cold.

7. my heart miss a beat 心跳漏了一拍

My heart missed a beat when I saw the dog running after the kitten.

8. shake like a leaf 抖得像是風中的枯葉

Before this trip, I had absolutely no idea how tall a camel was. So when I got onto the ride, I shook like a leaf.


有沒有發現不論中外,對於驚嚇的反應描述,似乎都有著異曲同工之妙呢?下次遇到讓你嚇得倒退三步的狀況,可別再用千篇一律的"I'm so scared."這麼一成不變的說法啦!試試不同的表達,你也許可以引起意想不到的共鳴喔!
還想學習更多生活中實用的英文嗎?歡迎體驗巨匠美語英文會話課程,幫助你更有系統性地學習道地英文,課程採分級制度 ,讓你不僅敢開口說,還能充份表達出自己想法,最重要的是,學英文不必再死背單字!