IELTS雅思學術組寫作Writing Task1「描述過程題」寫作技巧

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IELTS雅思學術組寫作 Writing Task 1「描述過程題」寫作技巧

IELTS 雅思學術組寫作Writing Task 1「描述過程題」要求考生在20分鐘內,以150字敘述做某件事的過程。除了注意過程中的細節外,考生更需要描述這些細節所顯示的整體資訊。考生該如何在短暫的時間內,有條理地描述一個過程呢?

「描述過程題」Writing Task 1寫作步驟


The diagram below shows the stages a company should go through before launching a product globally. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Step 1: 找出步驟順序

題目指出流程圖描述發表新產品到國際市場的步驟。仔細觀察流程圖之後,我們得知第一個步驟是「擬定商業計畫」(Business plan: evaluate needs and set goals)。最後一個步驟則是「發表產品」(Launch product(s) in new market)。一旦我們找出所有的步驟,我們開始寫作時,就可以利用first, then, after that, when, finally等描述順序的字詞,銜接不同的步驟。

Step 2: 確認寫作「時態」以及「語態」

找出步驟後,我們需決定動詞的「時態」以及「語態」。因為發表展品的步驟屬於「規律」,所以我們需使用「現在簡單式」。至於語態,我們經常使用「被動語態」描述過程。以第二個步驟「海外市場調查」(Overseas market research: identify international markets)來說,我們可以寫Overseas market research needs to be conducted …。必須注意的是,雖然被動語態有助於我們描述過程,我們仍需使用一些主動語態的句子,以確保句型的多樣性。

Step 3: 適度轉述資訊

雖然流程圖上會有簡短的關鍵字,標明步驟的內容,我們建議考生適度「轉述」這些關鍵字,以展示自己的寫作能力。以第四個步驟「學習當地事務」(Learn local ways: price-setting; negotiating; legal issues)來說,我們可以寫Familiarize yourself with local methods of setting prices and negotiating deals。


The diagram shows the six main stages that a company should follow when launching a product internationally in a new market.

In order to go global with a product, the first thing you need to do is prepare an international business plan which will help you evaluate your needs and set goals for your company. Next, extensive market research needs to be conducted overseas. This will help you identify the potential international markets for your particular product.

After that, it is important to evaluate and select the right methods of distribution for your product abroad. There are several ways to do this, such as through company-owned foreign subsidiaries, by working through agents, or by setting up joint ventures. When you have chosen the distribution method, familiarize yourself with local methods of setting prices and negotiating deals. It is also a good idea to find out what legal matters are involved in exporting so that you don't make any mistakes.

Before your product can be launched in the new market, make sure you comply with local regulations: for example in your packaging and labeling. Following these six stages should ensure success in the new market.

寫完答案之後,除了檢查文句通順以及拼字正確外,考生尚需檢查常見的寫作與文法錯誤,例如每個句子都必須是完整的句子,而不能有「不完整的句子」 (sentence fragment)、動詞時態、主詞與動詞的一致性、可數與不可數名詞的用法,以及冠詞用法。


在本篇文章中,我們示範IELTS學術組寫作Writing Task 1「描述過程題」的寫作步驟。通過這些步驟,以及熟悉常見的句型與表達方法,考生應可在20分鐘內,寫出條理分明的答案。請持續關注我們的文章,一起戰勝雅思喔!

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