

IELTS雅思口說第三部分「雙向討論題」(two-way discussion)是考生普遍認為最難回答的項目。在這部分考試中,考官和考生將針對某個話題進行廣泛和抽象的討論。第三部分檢測的是考生表達和論述看法、分析、討論以及深入思考問題的能力。想要獲得一個理想的口說成績,考生需要豐富的字彙、流利的表達、靈活的句型,以及清楚的發音。考生需要哪些技巧,才能從容地回答雅思口說的「雙向討論題」呢?

Step 1: 判斷雅思口說「雙向討論題」題型為何


A. 意見題(opinion)


1. Do you think technology has changed the way people communicate?
2. Do you think the existence of computers in schools has improved the way students learn?

B. 假設題(hypothesis)


1. What do you think would happen if cities stopped investing in public transport?
2. If public transport were free, would you use it more?

C. 推測題(speculate)


1. How do you think transport will change in the next 50 years?
2. How do you think people will travel in the future?

D. 比較題(compare and contrast)


1. Do you think we should spend more money on building roads or railways?
2. How has transport changed in your country in the last 20 years?

E. 評估題(evaluate)


1. Some people say that car drivers should pay higher taxes if they have bigger cars. What do you think?
2. Some people argue that public transport should be free. What do you think?

Step 2: 使用適當句型


題型 句型
意見題 I think … / In my opinion … / To my mind … / For me … / To my mind …
假設題 If + 過去簡單式 , I imagine / think / expect + … would
推測題 It's difficult to say, but maybe … / I'm not sure, but maybe …
比較題 For me, … is more / less important …
評估題 I (completely / totally / tend to) agree / disagree. I agree / disagree to an extent, but …


Q1: How do you think transport will change in the next 50 years?

A: Well … It's difficult to say, but maybe with new technology people will work more and more from home, so they won't need to travel so much. In this kind of situation, perhaps transport won't need to change very much at all.

Q2: Do you think the government should spend more money on building roads or railways?

A: Well … people prefer taking their cars than taking the train, so, for me, building roads is more important. In my country, for example, the trains are often so crowded that nobody really wants to go by train.

Q3: Some people say that car drivers should pay higher taxes if they have bigger cars. What do you think?

A: Yeah … I tend to disagree. In my view, people should pay more tax because they earn more money, not because they have a bigger car. Somebody could have a big old car which is very cheap – why should they pay more than someone with a small new car which is very expensive?

Step 3: 清楚說明答案

除了使用適當的句型開始答覆之外,考生更需要進一步說明與解釋自己的答覆。考生可以使用以下的「指示詞」(signpost words)清楚地解釋自己的答覆。

目的 指示詞
說明答覆的架構 There are two main problems: Firstly … In addition …
舉例 for example / such as
說明結果 as a result / which means
說明理由或原因 because / this is due to


Q1: Do you think governments will make climate change a higher priority in the future?

A: Er, probably not! Some governments have already made some changes, but in my view it's very unlikely that they will ever do enough. The problem is that, while governments might introduce green policies to win them more votes, such as recycling waste, they probably won't commit themselves to policies that are unpopular with the voters. For instance, getting people out of their cars and onto buses and trains is always a very unpopular measure.

Q2: What are the effects of climate change on agriculture?

A: There are two main problems for the farmers. Firstly, I think heavy rain causes the soil to be washed away. I mean the soil with all the minerals in it. In addition, many plants rot in the ground because they never have time to dry. Think when it rains very heavily, for example in my country, it is very difficult for the farmers.



Q: How will people travel in the future?

A: I think flying cars will become a reality. In fact, Airbus is testing the prototype of an autonomous, flying air taxi – in other words, a flying, self-driving car. As the technology matures, I suppose these flying cars will be efficient and doesn't consume as much energy as helicopters. With flying cars becoming popular, they are likely to ease urban traffic problems by expanding the areas where people can live and work.




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