輕鬆快樂的學美語 Learning English Can Be Fun

巨匠美語專任講師:Eric Wang

觀察到一些學員的問題,通常我的學生一週會花差不多3小時的時間來巨匠美語上英文課。 但是在英文口聽說及閱讀的方面的技能很難進步。 當我自己還是一位美語學習的學員時,我有一些小秘訣可以分享給大家。 我看電視節目或是美語影集時都是靠英文字幕來增進我的英文能力。

這一切都要感謝DVD的發明,讓我看外語電影不再是難事。 以下提供了一些建議可供學員在家進修。

首先,選一部自己喜歡的電影或影集,先看過幾次,甚至是用自己的母語先了解過內容。 知道電影或影集的內容是很重要的。

再來, 準備紙筆,將你想了解的實用單字及片語記錄下來, 看英文字幕時的好處 (雖然有時候跟他們說的有時候會有些出入) 我們現代的科技很進步,如果有不認識的單字,馬上即可上網查詢翻譯意思或是詢問專業的英文講師。

Learning English Can Be Fun
I have noticed a lot of my students have problems. My students usually spend about three hours each week attending my class, but they have a hard time improving their listening, speaking, and reading on their own. As I was once an ESL student, I would like to share my little secret with you. I have used subtitles to improve my English by watching a lot of TV programs and movies.

Thanks to invention of DVD, watching films in English has become an easy thing to do. Here are my suggestions.

First of all, you need to choose your favorite film – you've watched that film a dozen times and probably know all the dialogues off by heart in your native language. It's essential to know the story so that you can fully understand the story. So following the story will be easy for you.

Next, have paper and pen ready as you may want to jot down useful words or phrases that you wish to learn. English subtitles might be useful for that (although they might differ from what is actually being said). Our technology is so advanced now and if you come across difficult phrases, you can always use online translator to make sure what it means.

Finally, if you are not used to watching films in English, choose only few episodes from a Television sitcom and this could be a good alternative – at the beginning it isn't easy to concentrate on listening to the foreign language for a long time. Make sure you watch it over and over again until you actually memorize all the script.

I believe once you do what I have mentioned, you will improve your listening, speaking, and reading at the same time. I hope you will try it! I know it might take some time, but please stick with it and you'll see the result in no time!