TOEIC多益 Part 4 廣播公告聽力技巧


廣播公告是TOEIC多益第四部分「簡短獨白」(Short Talks)的必考聽力類型。在十個題組中,廣播公告至少會佔一到兩個題組。廣播公告包含公共場合的廣播或辦公室的公告。面對各式各樣的廣播公告主題,考生該如何聽懂它們呢?




Good morning, everyone. The building's elevator will be out of service tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for repair. The shutdown is required to fix electrical damage caused by flooding last week. Please use the stairs during the elevator shutdown. If you're unable to use the stairs, please contact your department supervisors to make alternative arrangements. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.


1. 開頭問候:廣播公告開頭通常有簡短的問候,吸引聽眾的注意力。
2. 公告事項:各種辦公室或公共場合中,聽眾需要知道的事項。
3. 請求事項:根據公告事項的內容,聽眾可能會被要求做某些事。
4. 結尾:廣播公告結尾經常感謝聽眾的聆聽。



Good morning, everyone.

May I have your attention, please?

Thanks for coming to this meeting on such short notice.


We regret to inform you that the 10 o'clock train to Birmingham has been canceled.

I'm pleased to announce that Kimberley Turner has been promoted to Sales Manager.

I just want to let you all know that I'll step down as vice president immediately.


Passengers traveling on Flight 150 please proceed to gate 30 for boarding.

Please put on your identity card, as access to the party is limited to staff only.

We'd like to ask you to update your personal profile before Friday.


If you have any questions, please call my extension at 320.

Thank you (for your assistance).

We're sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.



a. Good morning, everyone.
b. Thank you for your cooperation.
c. During this time, please use the 24th Street parking garage.
d. Just pick up a parking permit from the personnel if you need one.
e. Starting July 1, our employee parking lot will be renovated for a month.
f. We have reserved some areas at the garage for our use, so you don't have to pay to park your car there.


Good morning, everyone. Starting July 1, our employee parking lot will be renovated for a month. During this time, please use the 24th Street parking garage. We have reserved some areas at the garage for our use, so you don't have to pay to park your car there. Just pick up a parking permit from the personnel if you need one. Thank you for your cooperation.


Step 1: 閱讀題目,判斷題目所對應的結構要素


1. What is the announcement about?
(A) A company trip
(B) A product catalog
(C) A recycling system
(D) An employee cafeteria

2. When will the new office procedure begin?
(A) On Tuesday
(B) On Wednesday
(C) On Thursday
(D) On Friday

3. What is the audience asked to do?
(A) Fill out paperwork
(B) Think up some ideas
(C) Pick up a sheet of paper
(D) Choose their favorite design


Step 2: 利用廣播公告的句型聽出答案



Hi everyone. As you know, our company is concerned about the environment. So, starting next Wednesday, we'll place recycling bins in the staff lounge of each floor. The red container is for plastics, and the blue container is for glass items. As you leave, please take one of the papers on the table in the back of the room. It summarizes the information I've just told you. Thank you for your cooperation with this effort.

公告一開始提到「如同大家知道的,我們公司很關心環境。」(As you know, our company is concerned about the environment.),所以考生可以預測公告可能跟節能環保有關。第三句提到「從下星期三開始,我們會在每層樓的員工休息室裡放置回收桶。」(So, starting next Wednesday, we'll place recycling bins in the staff lounge of each floor.),因此第一題的答案是(C) A recycling system,第二題的答案是(B) On Wednesday。後幾句提到「請大家離開時從房間後面的桌子上拿一張說明。」(As you leave, please take one of the papers on the table in the back of the room.),所以第三題的答案是(C) Pick up a sheet of paper。

