


討論擇偶條件的時候,大家一定都會提到的一個必要條件---「個性要好」,但你有想過到底是good personality還是good character呢?

1. personality & character 個性

personality (n.)

the part of a person that makes them behave in a particular way in social situations, for example, in a friendly or unfriendly way, or in a confident or shy way.

character (n.)

the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual the qualities that make up someone's personality


She has a very easygoing personality and gets along well with her colleagues.
---- (她的個性很隨和,和每個人都處得很好。)

Jealousy is not a pleasant aspect of her character.
---- (善妒是她人格裡較不討人喜歡的一項特質。)

I think writing reflects the true character of a writer.
---- (寫作風格反映作家真正的人格特質。)

Are you interested in taking some personality tests to know more about yourself?
---- (你想做點性向測驗更了解自己一點嗎?)

因此當我們提到希望那個Mr./Ms. Right的個性要好的時候,一般指的大多是個性隨和、好相處的意思,因此選用"I hope he / she has a good personality."即可。

2. competence & ability & capability & capacity能力

competence (n.) in V-ing. or N. / to V.

The ability to do something successfully or efficiently; a person's range of skills or knowledge

Dean has few friends due to his lack of social competence.
---- (狄恩朋友不多因為缺乏社交能力。)

If you want to be successful in business, it's essential to enhance your competence in dealing with various issues.
---- (如果你想在商業領域上取得成功,提升解決各項問題的能力是非常必要的。)


ability (n.) to V.

Talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area

The manager will distribute different tasks to individual staff according to their levels of ability.
---- (經理會根據每個員工的能力不同,分派不同的工作任務。)

Walker is a very experienced waiter. He has the ability to serve all kinds of customers and cater for each person's needs gracefully.
---- (沃克是一個經驗老到的服務生,他有服務各式各樣顧客的能力,且能輕而易舉的照顧到每個人的需求。)

capability (n.) of V-ing / to V.

The power or ability to do something (often capabilities); the extent of someone's or something's ability

I bet he can win the game because he has the talent and the capability.
---- (我賭他一定可以贏得這場比賽,因為他既有天分也很有能力。)

He has the capability of being an excellent writer.
---- (他具有成為一名出色的作家的能力。)

I think this job is far beyond my capabilities.
---- (我覺得這項工作已經遠遠超出我的能力範圍了。)

capacity (n.) for V-ing or N. / to V.

The ability or power to do or understand something; the amount of something that can be put in a container, or the number of people that a place has room for

He has an outstanding capacity for work.
---- (他具有非常傑出的工作能力。)

Judging from the experiment result, most experts are pretty surprised by octopus' intellectual capacities.
---- (根據實驗的結果,大部分的專家都很驚訝章魚的高智能。)

所以新年新希望裡,我們可以說期許自己要提升自身的能力(enhance my competence),也許是想規劃參加語言課程學習外語能力(language ability),或是透過參加講座鍛鍊自己的工作能力(working ability / capacity for work)等等,讓自己有能力可以更從容的面對未來的挑戰(have the capability of dealing with various challenges in the future)。有沒有發現表達的時候,你在選字上其實不只有ability可用啦!



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