
買什麼新衣服( garment)做什麼新的髮型 (hairstyle)才能跟上最潮的裝扮?

Written by 布里安娜

快要過年了,要買什麼新衣服( garment)做什麼新的髮型 (hairstyle)才能跟上最潮的裝扮(或幫你那邋塌的男友做個大改造transformation) 怎樣的髮型與怎樣的服裝才會是2017年的全新版的你嗎?
●方型臉( Square face ) :
Clean, simple short hair cut or a bit stylish on top.
簡單、乾淨的線條,不論是經典的俐落短髮或是在頭頂上作些許造型都很適合, make sure the side and back are extremely short. straight or wavy on top. 保持側面及背面的頭髮是短的,將長度留在頭頂。
●圓形臉( round face):
The key is to make your face look longer not wider. Cut the side and back hair to show a smaller face.
●鵝蛋臉( oval face):
Don't have a bang(瀏海) because it will cover your forehead and make your face look like a moon.
●三角形臉( Triangle face):
Straight hair: If you have short hair, keep it longer than 3 inches.
再短的頭髮至少都要留3英吋才不會出錯 Wavy hair: Make it look natural and soft on both sides. 讓波浪自然呈現,並保持周圍和兩側的髮絲線條柔和
●長型臉( long face) :
No much limits on the hairstyle. Don't cut too short on sides, the goal is to make the face look wider.
●鑽石臉(diamond face):
Bigger facial bone structure will look better if your hair is longer. Tell the hairstylist to make your bone structure look softer.
可以在頭髮頂部製造較多的捲度,創造一個更加平衡的外觀。鑽石臉型的人往往有較大的頭顴骨,頭髮如果長一點會比較好看 你想shine like a diamond嗎?曖曖內含光對男性比較好喔!
●bomber jacket: 最流行的飛行夾克外套,連女生也在穿
●sports joggers: 9 分褲的運動長褲,露了腳踝才是in
●down jacket: 羽絨外套
●overall: 吊帶工作褲,一樣要腳踝束口喔
●oversized T shirt: 偏寬肩線t shirt
●leggings: 原本是女生在穿的內搭褲,現在因運動風大流行,將運動貼身長褲穿內搭也變潮男了
●chinos: 即是khakis 卡其褲
●culottes: 寬褲,非常寬也舒適,記得也是穿8.9分
●trainers: 運動風當道,要穿訓練鞋,不是慢跑鞋喔
●sports slippers:運動風拖鞋,趕快擁有一雙吧
●beanie: 毛線帽
●low rise jeans: 低腰丹寧
●cropped pants: 低檔褲
●ripped jeans: 破洞牛仔褲
●cape: 軍裝式斗篷,對就是哈利波特裡的人在穿的。
Conversation at a fashion shop
A: Look at that guy in that sports joggers and bomber jacket. He looks really cool in that outfit. I wanna get the same look.
B: hmmm… You are not tall enough. See? He even works out. You gotta have a nice bodyshape to hold that look. Otherwise, you will look like a homeless.
A: It's so unfair. The beautiful clothes are made for those who are fit. I have always wanted to try oversized Tshirt and culottes, but because I have bigger muscles. It doesn't look great on me.
B: You can try this cropped pants with black leather shoes. You can look fashion forward and showing a bit of your ankle looks sexy.
A: Ok. Hold these bunch of clothes for me, I am going to try these in the fitting room because it's a big sale this year for the warm winter. I need your advice, you are my fashion muse.

A:  你看那個穿9分貼身運動褲和飛行夾克外套的男生。它看起來也太帥了。我也要穿一樣。
B: 恩,你不夠高啦,你看,它有在健身也,你要有不錯的身材才撐得住那個感覺,否則你會看起來像遊民。
A: 真不公平。那些漂亮的衣服只能給精壯的人穿。我一直想買過大型的t shirt 和超寬褲,但因為我練的肌肉比較大,看起來反而不好看。
B: 你可以試試這件低檔褲和黑色皮鞋 你可以很有型,秀那你的腳踝也看起來性感。
A: 好,幫我這堆衣服拿著,我要去試穿了。今年是暖冬所以都大特價,我需要你的建議,你是我的時尚謬司。