
  • 十二星座
  • 星座英文


2023年十二星座英文運勢大解析 Horoscope 2023 for all star signs

Aries 牡羊座

Aries 牡羊座

With proper planning and patience, you stand great chances to be successful in finance, work or education-wise. You might be able to buy your own property or achieve a breakthrough in business. However, there's no such thing as a free lunch. You still need to research carefully and take affordable risks boldly to find the right direction first.


Taurus 金牛座

Taurus 金牛座

Be open, and the world will open up for you. New friends may bring you new contacts or approaches to work things out. Gaining new skills can also increase your opportunity to succeed in your career.


Gemini 雙子座

Gemini 雙子座

With prudence and self-discipline, your dreams are expected to be realized both personally and professionally this year. You may experience a slow growth along the progress, but avoiding conflict, maintaining an attitude of patience would surely lead you to a positive outcome.


Cancer 巨蟹座

Cancer 巨蟹座

You might experience certain stress and negative influence from work and this may potentially affect your health. However, if you keep putting in effort and being positive, try not to overthink everything or worry too much, you still stand a good chance to get the expected result.


Leo 獅子座

Leo 獅子座

It is time to make the first move actively and step out of your comfort zone! There are plenty of chances to show off your skills, and these would bring you success in career or wealth. Listen to the inner voice and do not let your enemy defeat you. 2023 is going to be your year.


Virgo 處女座

Virgo 處女座

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Try to be more patient and positive when you find yourself stuck in situations that do not work as you think. Prioritize your tasks and make the best use of the resource you can get. There will be nothing you can't achieve!


Libra 天秤座

Libra 天秤座

Do you smell love in the air? In 2023, your relationship with your loved ones will be strengthened and foresee a happy and positive love life most of the time. Despite highs and lows in life, treat your partner with trust, communication and respect, there will be nothing you cannot sort out together.


Scorpio 天蠍座

Scorpio 天蠍座

You will have a lot of good fortune in the year of 2023. You may find an increase of wealth and even have an unexpected romance. Be more confident to take risks, do not worry too much about the judgments around you, you will eventually get amazing results!


Sagittarius 射手座

 Sagittarius 射手座

If you are single, this year is the right time to think about what you really want from a relationship and don't be scared to make a commitment or long-term plans. You may just find the right one and attain the romance you look for.


Capricorn 摩羯座

Capricorn 摩羯座

The lack of a sense of achievement may make you feel overwhelmed or overlooked by your boss at work, but just remember that what does not kill you, makes you stronger. These challenges would get the better part of you and none of your effort would be forgotten.


Aquarius 水瓶座

Aquarius 水瓶座

It seems to be a bit bumpy at the beginning of the year. However, proceed with caution in work and keep away from negative forces, and then things will get easier later in the year.


Pisces 雙魚座

Pisces 雙魚座

You can expect a raise or a tempting offer in the workplace for being recognized. But knowing what you truly go after in life is more important than what is viewed as good by others. Don't let greed get you and rush into something you don't really enjoy.



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