
每次到健身房不知道該練什麼而煩惱嗎?你是有氧咖還是重訓咖呢? 兩者之間又有什麼差別呢?訓練後的效果又是如何呢?




每次有氧訓練時須維持20分鐘以上,才能達到自體脂肪的消耗,人體在經過20分鐘有氧訓練後的第21分鐘開始才會開始消耗脂肪, 所以時間控制很重要,除此之外一周至少要3次的有氧訓練才能達到效果,舉例游泳,跑步,以及爬山等等。

Are you having trouble with your gym workout routine? Are you a cardio lover or a weight training freak? Are there any kinds of differences between each other? How do different types of trainings affect your bodies?

First, you have to know what your goal is. And to know your goal is to know how to set a suitable workout routine for yourself.

Imagine the different body outlooks between marathoner and bodybuilders,to that, is actually affected by their different training types. If your goal is to gain muscle, then, weight training is a must and if you want to cut the fat and then cardio has to be your main exercise.

Mass gaining routine:
Train different body parts separately, ex: Chest, Back, and Leg for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday respectfully. For every training section, aim to do 4 to 6 movements and conduct 4 sets of 12~15 repetitions in each move. Interval time has to be less than 90 seconds.

Fat cutting routine:
You'll have to do at least 20mins for every session of your cardio. The fat will begin to burn when reaching to 21st minute of your cardio workout. Meantime, it's crucial to manage the time in cardio and you can try to do it three times a week with swimming, jogging, and hiking, etc.